Care for Magical Creatures Professor 1865
Portrayed by and belonging to Jagga-Chan
Born 1803
Strict, Caring, Organized, Cranky, Wise, Conversational
Antheia was born into a small family out in the woods, her mother a Deer, her father a earthpony. Both were kind parents, and took care of Antheia very well. She was also born with terrible eye-sight and required thick glasses growing up. She developed a heart defect as she aged. One day, when she was walking in the woods researching a specific mythical creature, she had a fatal heart attack. Being alone during the time, she expected the worst, she tried to call out for help.
Luckily for Antheia, she was nearby a small pond that contained a spirit named Niniane. The spirit awakened to Antheia’s cries and called her towards the pond. After taking a dip on the water, the spirit saved her from her fate and healed her ill heart. When Antheia came to, she found that her heart was replaced with a magic orb, and parts of her body was turned into/covered in wood. Furthermore, her eye sight had been fixed to 20/20, although they emit a similar glow to her orb.
As she continued to grow up, she learnt that she was able to use some minor magic, like some levitation, and some healing magic. She also noticed that instead of growing older in appearance, more parts of her body would begin to become wood. She’s grown used to the odd changes to her body, and continued her research on magical creatures. In fact her new powers proved to be of some help in her studies.
Antheia is very knowledgeable on several different types of magical and normal creatures. She knows how to approach most animals and can calm down most aggravated ones. It isn't as if she has a magical connection with creatures, she simply has an abundance of knowledge and experience. (If she encounters a completely new species, she won't be able to just run up and befriend it, she needs to analyze and access is first)
Additional Info
-She's quite adept at creating potions and harvesting ingredients from animals and creatures in a way that does not harm them.
-With the magic orb, she can do some basic levitation magic, as well as a bit of healing. (just healing small scars and such)
-Antheia can create wooden animal puppets that she can use her magic to animate. These wooden dolls do not have any magical or offensive capabilities, and follow the actions of the creature they represent. During the time of animating the puppets, she cannot use her magic, and her eyesight lowers as well. When the magic returns to her (and the puppets aren't animated anymore) She is able to sense how well the dolls were taken care of.
-She is very organized and won’t hesitate to discipline a bad student, but she always have good intentions behind her punishments.
-Because of her old age, she may be a bit cranky at times, but she is also very wise and knows how to deal with a variety of ponies. She enjoys have engaging conversations with her students and encourages discussion.
-The one thing she does not put up with is reckless behavior, especially around and towards animals/creatures.