Violane Vox
Transfiguration Professor 1865
Portrayed by and belonging to Cheyannide
Born 1838
Professional, Loyal, Trustworthy, Private, Ambitious
Having laid low for the past 7 years due to events best left unspoken, Violaine has been without a job for some time. Despite her fear of setting hoof back out into the job search, her desire to do something and get out into the world became far too overwhelming. For this reason she applied to SSSfGU; not only is it an opportunity to rejoin with the world, but it also offered a chance for her to finally teach everything she knows regarding transfiguration. (The school being an island is another added perk).
Reserved, professional, and cold are just a few words to describe Violaine at a glance. Not one to approach people first, she tends to appear more indifferent than she means to. Due to her traumatic past, Violaine has a hard time trusting people despite wanting to so badly. Despite her solemn appearance, she is actually quite hopeful and aspirational; there are many times she is caught day dreaming while at work. She is also extremely loyal; she would do anything for her friends and is very good at keeping an information given to her by them confidential. Although she does not have many friends, the ones she does have she cares about deeply. Due to her current condition, she has acquired the assistance of another pony to help her recover.
Wallace Lynn has been helping Violaine for around 5 years building her prosthetics and also just supporting her in general for everything. Because of this, Violaine does plan on having Wallace accompany her to SSFGU not only to assist in her teachings but also to keep an eye on her.
Additional Info
-Looking good is a must for Violaine. After befriending Wallace, her affinity for fashion has heightened so much and she’s constantly changing up her look. She has a multitude of dresses, prosthetics, and accessories. Although she’s not wealthy by any means, she will damn well come off like she is.
-Most of Violaine talents lie directly in transfiguration. She has not only learned transfiguration is an academic setting but also just through life experiences. Transforming objects, Changing her appearance/form cosmetically, transforming textiles/clothes, and also a bit of animal transfiguration to name a few of her areas of expertise.
-Due to her cracked horn, not all of her spells go through. Her magically imbued prosthetic of course helps her out to heighten her chances but there are times when her spells just won’t work. A relatively minor inconvenience since she’d just have to keep trying her spell till it worked but still a frustration for her.