Calmly Curious
Charms Professor, Solar Head 1863-1864
Portrayed by and belonging to Earl
Born 1830
Golden String (mother), Vast Variety (father)
Constelo, Echo Sounds, Virtue
Calm, Social, Careful, Worried, Somewhat of a Snob, Curious, High-Maintenance
Calmly was born and raised in Canterlot and as a true high society pony, he carries himself as one. Having his father in the trading business and highly successful at that, bringing home exotic animals, plants rare jewels, crystals, minerals and rocks for his wife's (Calmly's mothers) jewelry and accessories shop. One day as Calmly was reading in one of the books his father had brought back home, from one of his trading ventures. Calmly read that charms could be enhanced or trapped within objects. Calmly quickly took up learning as many charms as he could get his hooves on and the abundance of objects he had at his disposal, he went in and vigorously tested to see what went best together.
Years have past and Calmly has become quite the master of his craft, and last year he applied for a position as Professor of Charm in Starswirl's school for Gifted Unicorns in hopes of getting new inspiration and perhaps input for more charms. Despite the love tragedy that transpired, this proved to be a good decision, as Calmly found immense joy in teaching and formed new friendships. In hope of continuing those experiences as his goal of last year, Calmly wishes to spread what knowledge he has so it may benefit future generations.
Additional Information
-Vast knowledge of practical charms and spells. He has a rather strong Patronus and it can provide emotional comfort, minor healing, assist in magical control and input.
-Learned how to make jewelry from his mother and is sociable.
-You're likely to see him wearing his belt with pouches. There are six pouches in total, three on each side. The pouches are enchanted with a charm that allows Calmly to fit in more and larger objects then should fit in, but it does not change the objects weight, so Calmly has to be physically able to carry it.
-When in a conversation you'll have his full attention.
-Likes being in company of others, preferably quiet. Hates being alone so much so that if he finds himself completely alone he'll summon his patronus to keep him company.