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Ensorcel Scribos

Writer's picture: Starswirl's SchoolStarswirl's School

Updated: Jun 8, 2019

Ensorcel Scribos

Nocturnal House

22 | Female | Unicorn



Ensorcel female unicorn of somewhat tall height and a stocky build. Her coat is tempered blue with a darker violet mane and tail. Amidst the flowing locks is strewn elements of lighter purple highlights. The twinkling eyes are a dirty teal.

Across her entire form is a series of runes and scrawling motifs, each of unique shapes and designs. If one catches them at just the right angle, it can almost appear as if they’re glowing a pale blue, dancing and twinkling in their own light.

Her cutie mark is a maroon 3 pointed star on a light grey book cover.

Born and raised in Fillydelphia to a family of scholars, Ensorcel Scribos has been immersed in study her whole life. Her childhood was quite stable, without any extreme struggles. Insight and Fungol, her mother and father, had a tight bond and adored each other and their daughter. From a young age they both instilled a strong sense of work ethic in Ensorcel. Her parents gave her plenty of love though they often left her fend for herself. Much of what Ensorcel achieved was from her own hard work and that was especially true with her studies. There was often a never ending pile of books that the young unicorn was encouraged to draw upon and she practiced magic regularly.

A magical accident gone awry had a dramatic effect on Ensorcel’s early life. During one of Insight’s experiments, something went wrong that resulted in a release of arcane energy throughout their home. From this Ensorcel had runes infused to her body but was left otherwise unharmed. Her mother however, was not so lucky. Insight was left both mentally and physically crippled. She required the constant care of Fungol to keep her healthy and he quit his job at the Botanical Institute as result. Ensorcel was left shattered by the incident. Over time the family slowly rebuilt their life, but the young mare had to become far more independent.

In 1864, Ensorcel left her father to study at Starswirls School for Gifted Unicorns. Here she learnt much about the arcane arts, even more than previously. Her intellectual horizons were expanded greatly and she took every opportunity to apply herself. There was a few more surprises than just academics, however. Friendships and a sense of community were too other things that Ensorcel found at Starswirls. Once she had glimpsed them she knew instantly she needed more of this in her life.

The incidents involving the figure and other such close calls opened her eyes to the horrors and evils that resided in the world. By the end of semester, Ensorcel had glimpsed a new side to life. One filled with danger and risk, things that would threaten her and all she loved. But also a side filled with friends and ponies to stand by, it was something with which she could be a part of.

Ensorcel spent much of the summer in a phase of self doubt and isolation. Having witnessed what else there was to life, she feared how much she had to learn before being a complete pony. The lack of control she had over the threats posed to both Starswirls and Equestria as a whole worried her too. After a few months of moping she began to re-emerge with a new sense of purpose. Driven as always by her intense curiosity, the ongoings of the school have sparked her interest and she is determined to get to the bottom of things. On top of that though, and perhaps far more motivating, is her new found care for the ponies around her. Now that she has a stake in the game and others to care about, Ensorcel isn’t going to let anyone walk all over the school without at least fighting to protect it. Starswirls isn’t just a school anymore for Ensorcel, it’s a community she wishes to be a part of and serve. Needless to say, if she comes back this semester, it won’t just be for the books.

Additional Information

- Ensorcel is a mare defined by determination and is committed to her goals, especially that of study. As Nocturnal is the house for those with ambition and those who are driven, Ensorcel may fit in quite well. She has huge amount of resilience and is always willing to confront any challenge head on.

Years of honing her mind in the books has given her a versatility in thinking. She has practiced her magic for days on end, and tempered her wits to be razor sharp. Above all else Ensorcel is a problem solver, as many Nocturnals are. That is something that’s backed up by an intense curiosity and desire to learn.

On top of it all, Ensorcel cares deeply about her friends and with those she feels a kinship. For the Starswirls community as a whole, but especially her old house of Nocturnal, she has an incredibly strong sense of loyalty and devotion. There is almost nothing she won’t do for them.


Determined | Passionate | Stubborn/Committed | Intelligent/Studious | Curious | Independent | Self-Doubting

Ensorcel Scribos is a mare of determination above all else. When faced with a challenge or adversity, she will poor every ounce of her being into overcoming it. If knocked down there is almost no hesitation before she stands back up, ready to continue forward. Even when faced with utter defeat, Ensorcel will not simply move on. She may have to bide her time for a long while but when she sees an opportunity, this unicorn will rise again to fight and right her failures.

That is not to say that Ensorcel lacks intelligence and blunders forward, it is quite the contrary in fact. Ensorcel is always reading the situation, applying her brain to overcome and adapt to almost anything. Years of honing her mind in the books has given her a versatility in thinking. She has practiced her magic for days on end, and tempered her wits to be razor sharp. Above all else Ensorcel is a problem solver. That is something that’s backed up by an intense curiosity and desire to learn.

Coupled with the grit comes a large about of passion. Ensorcel is a mare who cares deeply about what she does but also who she does things with. The books and her studies mean much to her, but after a semester at Starswirls she has come to yearn for friendship more than anything. For the few friends she does have, Ensorcel is committed to them completely. There is almost nothing she won’t do for them and her own well being is not above being sacrificed. Should something threaten those she loves, Ensorcel will be there to fight and protect them no matter what.



Basic Magic- They can use basic levitation spells on small objects as most unicorns can.

Rune Magic- Rune magic is Ensorcel’s specialty. Whether it be on the convoluted history of the art form or the specific arrangement of sigils needed to conjure a mouse construct, Ensorcel has the knowledge needed. Countless hours of study have ensured that she has a wellspring of information from which she can draw upon, whatever the situation.

Yet it is not all merely arbitrary trivia, for Ensorcel can cast many a variety of spells with her rune magic. From lighting and magical constructs, to golem construction and room heating spells; she is the unicorn that can perform it all. Ensorcel often expands beyond her books, experimenting with many different spells and runes to see what new combinations she could possibly formulate together into some cohesive incantation.

Magic Focus- As for most unicorns, Ensorcel’s focus of magic is her horn, though she actually possesses other foci. The inscribed motifs on her body are almost as necessary as her horn, providing both a basis from which to build other spells and also acting as a mediator between her and the magic of the world she taps into. Another asset is her jewelled necklace, the gem being capable of storing magical energy for later use. A direct consequence of her bodily markings is that physical contact with whatever a spell is being cast on gives it extra potency. Often, Ensorcel will use her hoof or touch her horn to a surface to provide extra power to an enchantment. That’s not to say she can’t cast from a distance, but that is not her preferred medium.

Livanor Constrotous- One of Ensorcel’s signature spells is Livanor Constrotous, the creation of magical constructs. Through the placement of runes, almost in a manner akin to summoning, she can construct a magical being of almost any form. The larger and more complex the construct, the longer the casting time and the more energy required. In particular, if she wishes to imbue some mild intelligence into it, additional planning is definitely required. There are a few constructs she’s memorized, including a handy mouse that can be adapted for various utilities. This spell can be enchanted onto an object and, provided there is enough energy stored in it, be summoned as needed.

After a semester of Professor Pendleton’s Runes classes she has adapted some of what she learnt into the Livanor spell. In particular she has worked in some of the golem magic, giving the spell the ability to animate otherwise inanimate objects when applied to them.

Absorfus- A spell of her own design, Absorfus is a ward spell but with a special twist. This spell can block a variety of magical attacks and even physical ones, provided either is not too powerful. However rather than simply dissipating the energy of the strike, the magical shield can actually absorb small fractions of it and store it in her runic tattoos. This can be channeled into other spells or unleashed back in a concussive blast outwards. It takes many hits to build up significant energy as the spell is not that efficient, however Ensorcel is constantly tweaking it (including her rather awful naming) and has been doing so for a number of years. Absorfus can also be cast onto objects, storing the energy in the enchantment.

As mentioned above, this is a spell that Ensorcel has been tinkering with for a long time. Seeing a certain hooded figure using a similar but far more effective spell was motivation for her to perfect it further. As such she has increased its efficiency though it's nowhere near 100%. Another piece of functionality she has added is for the spell to share the absorbed energy with other magical users (or to be stored in magical reservoirs) that are in close proximity. This means she can bolster another’s magic with energy from the shield.

✦Secrets Approved for Use in RP✦

Character belongs to: Inquiry#9228


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