Glacia Gaia
Former Runes Professor, Lunar Head 1826-1831, now deceased; spirit trapped in Lunar Common Room
Born 1795, Died 1831
Woodland Glow-Pony|Female|46
Celestia, Ceruisam, Stella
Regal, Cryptic, Intelligent, Strict, Pessimistic, Alluring, Egotistical
Being a tall, regal, and secretive pony, most of Glacia's background is unknown and shrouded in mystery save for her time at SSSfGU. She once lived as part of the Myrina Grove tribe until she came to SSSfGU in order to teach her special talent- runes. Whilst at the school, Glacia was known to be a very wise and patient teacher, though one that was not to be crossed. A pony who manages to wear her patience thin only has terror awaiting them in the future.
Glacia passed away during the Hall of Memories incident, but her spirit lingered.
Her spirit enjoyed wandering the Lunar common room, the remnants of her soul preserving little save for her narcissism- especially as many of her memories had been locked away by a curse. She regularly gazed into the pool in order to see her own reflection, caring little for the students who wandered about the room, and happily enjoyed this existence until she came under attack by the shadow alicorn. For some time she was corrupted, until students freed her by shattering a purifying crystal in the tunnels. The purification not only removed the corruption, but the curse that prevented her from remembering how she died.
Needless to say, Glacia was displeased to learn this information, though she soon returned to gazing into her reflection without a care.
Now remembering the horrible circumstances of their deaths, Gaia tried to turn over a new leaf and do some kindness by spending time with the spirit of Ceres Dawn. She kept her company for a little under a week before deciding it wasn't worth the trouble.
Ceruisam attacked the common rooms trying to trap the spirits that had been touched by the corruption. He attempted to use a spell to lock Gaia in a mirror, but students redirected the blast leaving Glacia trapped in a different reflective surface- the Lunar common room floor. No one has quite figured out how to release her, and she currently spends her days moping.