Theresia Eld
Celestial House
20 | Female | Unicorn-Hybrid
Theresia is a much smaller than average mare with a nimble body, and a gentle look and touch.
Theresia was born to a pair of mixed breed ponies in a small, close-knit village in Sweden. Her childhood was sweet and simple, but it only lasted for a few years. Reality hit Theresia quickly and harshly as she had to face responsibilities and truths of various kinds head on. She still tried to enjoy her innocence and keep her outlooks positive so she wouldn't fall to the depths of depression and sin like the rest of her family had.
At a young age, Theresia had a strange interest in warmth and lights, especially with fire. She found lit candles were a comfort that would calm her nerves. She started setting candles all around her room and would bring them in her bags when she left the house. She was still a filly when she discovered candle magic. She had been shopping in the market when she noticed a unique book with a candle image on the cover. It described beginner's techniques and tricks candles that could be used for candle magic. Theresia was intrigued by the book and bought it and has ever since been practicing the tricks of this trade.
The only good moment Theresia had with her whole family was on a camping trip they took to Lake Vanem. The four ate around a campfire, rested under the stars, swam in the shimmering waters of the lake, and enjoyed the bounties of nature. Theresia dreams about this magical night and ponders how things would be if her family was more cheerful and satisfied, but it was never meant to be.
Theresia was 18 when she lost her family and home, but her memories of the night are blurry. She remembers coming home on a summer night, unsure of what happened before but something made her snap at that moment and realize her family was falling apart. The silence of the night turned into terrified screams, and bright lights and crackling grew all around. The only clear memory is one that haunts Theresia in her nightmares. She was outside on the hills, and her village was crumbling down as flames consumed everything along the horizon. By the time she had truly awoken, Theresia was on a boat with other immigrants sailing to Equestria. She decided it'd be better to not turn back home and continue on to the new land, where she could have a fresh start.
A few weeks after the departure, the boat eventually arrived in Manehattan. The small Swedish mare was all alone in the big city with nowhere to go or any plan to follow. Theresia ended up hitchhiking with other immigrants across the streets and fields until they stopped by Hollow Shades, a town that seemed like an alternate, improved version of her old village. Here was where Theresia decided to settle down in.
She spent the next two years intertwining new Equestrian culture with Swedish traditions that she kept close to heart. She would share stories and tales of Sweden to the other village folk, and in return they passed on their own experiences and knowledge. It was during one of these interactions that she was told the various kinds of magic and spells that Equestrian unicorns had performed. Theresia decided that she needed to dig deeper into her unicorn origins and learn more about the various kinds of magic. The answer to Theresia's need was discovered in a newspaper about the mysterious events happening at Starswirl's school. Theresia's desires and curiosity led her to applying for the magic school, not realizing what could be in store for her.
Additional Information
Majken and Abbertus Eld (mom and dad)
Theresia despised both of her parents, even though she never expressed these feelings. Abbertus tended to ignore the entire family and would travel around Sweden to see his other wives and kids, which Majken didn't seem to care about. Meanwhile, Majken kept dragging the family into debt as she would constantly gamble money away or spend her winnings on useless utilities. In order to keep a study flow of income, Theresia and Evaline had to get jobs at a young age, adding on to the daily work that they already had to do.
Evaline Eld (older sister)
Theresia and Evaline were as close together yet distant as any two ponies could be. Theresia looked up to Evaline, who looked like she could handle anything on her own when she was really as broken as everyone else. The memorable moments the two shared together kept Theresia hopeful and patient, but these moments were brief as the two had their separate responsibilities to handle away from each other. Theresia regrets not getting to spend more time with her sister.
-Magic color is a bright red
-Her hair is as soft and poofy as sheep's wool/clouds
-The small golden specks in her hair give off a very faint glow
-Lights candles around her or sticks close by to fire to calm herself down
-Wants to return home to Sweden and start a new life there, but is seriously afraid to do it
-Wishes she had wings so she could fly away whenever she wished
Big heart | Gentle | Generous | Hopeful | Thoughtful and caring | Usually understanding | Bit of a pushover | Bottles up bad emotions | Will fake being happy when feeling down | Won't break down unless overwhelmed | Yearns for knowledge and information | Mainly about the world and other cultures
Warmth and comfort | Lights and fire | New experiences | Harvest Festivals | Berries | Wildlife | Camping and cabins | Daytime and nighttime
Discomfort and feeling uneasy | Drama | Arguing, cruelty, and violence | Gambling and wasting money | Big cities | Wintertime (except as an excuse to stay inside) | Sunrises and sunsets
Candle Making and Magic- Through trial and error, Theresia has slowly learned the ways of the candles and has developed a knack for it. Using a variety of waxes, wicks, and techniques Theresia is able to cast a vast amount of spells. (The limits of this can be discussed if needed)
Runes Knowledge- Theresia's candles and runes go hoof-in-hoof as she often carves runes into her candles as labels or to help with spells. She knows the basic alphabet, but she wishes to get deeper into the knowledge of runes and learn more complex ones.
Cooking and Baking- Theresia's older sister, Evaline, would always make breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the whole family. Hoping to lessen her sister's burden, Theresia asked Evaline if she could teach Theresia how to cook. Theresia isn't a great chef, but she has been able to make basic, edible meals. She has a specialty for Kanelbullar, a delicious type of Swedish cinnamon roll.
Wildlife Knowledge- Theresia's home village was surrounded by forestry, so when the opportunity was possible, Theresia would run off into the forest and hide there for hours. She felt closely connected to the flora and fauna that surrounded her, almost as if it was a second home. She learned about the creatures that roamed around and the vegetation that flourished.
Attentive- Theresia always had to keep an eye out for her troublesome family, or else they would have broken apart much more quickly. This habit grew and stuck with her as she became observant about her surroundings all the time, becoming a blessing and curse.
✦Secrets Approved for Use in RP✦
Character belongs to: Marina(Callie)#1196